Camp Lutherwood Mission Statement:

To provide a Christian, outdoor experience, by having comfortable, recreational facilities, along with the serenity and beauty of the outdoors, to instill Christian values and fellowship to all of God’s creations.

Our Story

Camp Lutherwood was founded in September of 1982. A group of individuals from Las Vegas met with an Executive from Southern California to found their parcel of land in Southwest Utah. Transfer of ownership then took place.

Among the founding members are Mike Schaefer, Ken Tracht, Todd Early, and Dennis Engh. The meager beginning of the camp included a 40’ trailer, one toilet, solar shower, and many acres of land. Thus began the planning, construction, and upgrades to our fabulous Camp Lutherwood. New bylaws and a constitution formed the Lutheran Camping Association of the Southwest by the previous members and Duane Sveum, John Mogren. Duane wasthe first Executive Director but was replaced by Dennis Engh. Pastor Randy Foos became the State Director from Arizona. Chester Read represented Utah. The road was built by Chester with his tractor, through pastures just off mile marker 105 on Highway 89. After several years and heavy rain, the road was relocated to its current location.

In 1983 the camp received the donation of two more mobile homes, which became the central meeting place at the camp.

Improvements continued with the addition of gravel, thereby making the access road more accessible from Highway 89. The Board of Directors also hired Brauer and Associates to develop a master plan for the camp.

Busy times forged ahead with the water distribution system, electrical lines, and permanent facilities being completed. Restrooms with showers, a laundry room, and a kitchen were just a few of the improvements that were completed. Outdoor fun included a large deck and four sporting fields.

Join us for fun and fellowship in the beautiful Dixie Forest of Southern Utah. Camp Lutherwood is run by the Lutheran Camping Association of the Southwest.

Thank you to Dennis Engh and Robert Printup for keeping the archives of our wonderful camp.